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​​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela

All childen, except Beginners, must be toilet-trained.​


Morning Classes meet from 9:00 - 12:00 pm.

Afternoon Classes meet from 12:30 - 3:30pm.

Full Day Classes meet from 9:00 - 3:00pm.

​Beginners Preschool Class (2-3 Years of Age)

Leo Preschool in Leo, Indiana offers a Beginners Class primarily focusing on social development. Students will also develop more independence through their daily tasks and routine at school.  They will be introduced to a hands-on curriculum involving colors, shapes, letters and numbers.


Classes are two days per week for 3 hours. Children must be 2 by August 1.


Two Day Classes that  are offered:

Monday & Wednesday /Tuesday & Thursday A.M. only


Children do not have to be toilet-trained for this class.

​Early Learners Preschool Class (3-4 Years of Age)
The Early Learners Class is an introduction to Pre-K skills, including letter and number recognition, handwriting skills and large & small motor skills.  Developing social skills remains the primary purpose of this class.


Classes are three days per week for 3 hours. Children must be 3 by August 1.


Three Day Classes are offered:

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday A.M. or P.M.

​Pre-K Preschool Class (4-5 Years of Age)​
The Pre-K class further develops pre-kindergarten skills that are required for kindergarten students in Indiana.  These skills include letter & sound recognition; number concept & numeral recognition; handwriting skills, listening skills, good work study habits and social skills.  The group setting provides children with the opportunity to learn how to play and work together in a positive way.  Independence and responsibility are encouraged throughout daily activities in order to promote confidence in each child.


 Children must be 4 by August 1.    


Four Day Classes are offered:

Monday - Thursday A.M. or P.M.


3 Full Day PreK are offered:

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday  9:00 - 3:00 pm.  

Kindergarten Prep Class (5+ Years of Age)

Leo Preschool's Kindergarten Prep Class is a class for students who are 5 years old who will not be attending Kindergarten.  This class serves as a bridge between the Pre-K class and Kindergarten with the purpose of strengthening the social, emotional, behavioral and academic skills needed in kindergarten.  Independence and responsibility are encouraged.  This class allows students an opportunity to mature, become more confident and motivated through thought provoking skills which lead to better personal reasoning skills before entering Kindergarten.  Contact Leo Preschool for details. 


Children must be 5 by October 1.


Classes offered:

 Monday: half day 9-12

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9-3


**NOTE: Classes listed above depend on enrollment demand. We reserve the right to cancel any class listed that does not meet the minimum number of students needed. Parents of students registered for any cancelled class would be notified of a change in placement.



Copyright 2015 Leo United Methodist Preschool.  All rights reserved.

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